
A large van ran into the back of my car as I waited at a red light. I struggled with a severe concussion, dizziness, muscle pain, and was unable to concentrate. A friend introduced me to the Daily 3. It has been a health restorer for me. The ringing in my ear decreased. Dizziness and pain has subsided to this day. I am able to concentrate and resume playing piano and composing music without that annoying ringing in my ear. Using and recommending LoveBiome is now an absolute lifestyle for me.
- Dr. Melodie W., 加拿大

My skin often felt dry and tight in the winter, especially around the joints. After using the Body Soufflé, my skin immediately feels soft and soothing. The texture of Body Soufflé is light, easy to absorb, and has no sticky feeling. It is rich in moisturizing ingredients, which effectively relieves the discomfort caused by dry skin. Now, I have Body Soufflé in the bathroom, living room, and computer room, so I can apply it anytime, anywhere. It's great!
- Rick C., 臺灣

At the age of 54, I am happier with my skin than I have been in years! Ever since I was 14 years old, I have had problem skin with acne, blackheads, and oily/shiny skin. As I have gotten older, my skin has gotten wrinkly and the pores larger, as well as getting heavy eyelids. All of this has changed thanks to using Postbiotic Body Soufflé! And it also firms up the skin. My skin looks younger AND fresher! And this change happened in just a few days! Absolutely fantastic!
- 尼娜 挪威

I've been using the Daily 3 products since the fall of 2022. I have fingers which are very sensitive to cold. Every fall and winter, I have had cracked fingertip. It is quite common for me to have band-aids on 2-3 fingers – preferably on both hands at the same time. It is a hassle with these band-aids and using various creams which have had no effect. But so far this winter, I have not had a cracked fingertip!
- Solveig A., 挪威

In just my first month of taking the Daily 3 System, I noticed improved digestion, more energy, better sleep, and a significant reduction in the pain and inflammation of my joints. After one year and a half of consistent use, I am 30 pounds lighter, I feel stronger and look younger. LoveBiome provides a true anti-aging effect!
- 美國查理·

I started taking the products after what I saw what they did for my wife. She experienced more quality rest, and it gave her more energy, and so I started taking it as well. When I try to tell people about the product, all I need to do is show them my wife and show them what it has done for her. The products are an investment in your health and your future.
- 美國詹姆斯·

My husband has the problem of winter itching. We are seriously troubled by this problem every winter. As soon as I got Postbiotic Body Soufflé, I used it on my husband's skin. He was no longer itchy, red, or swollen by the third day. We were very, very surprised and thought this was so amazing.
- 陳敏

作為一名前足球運動員和教練,我測試了市面上每一種能量飲料。 但是在聽到許多正面評論後,我迫不及待地想使用益享能,結果令人驚艷。 我現在不僅有充沛體力和我孩子一起參與活動,甚至有時體力狀況比我太太更好。
It's been a game-changer for me. Instead of just watching from the sidelines, I'm right in the thick of it - playing soccer, building fortresses, or running wild with my boys. I feel more present, more involved, and, most importantly, happier.
- 馬可斯 德國

When LoveBiome announce new products, the topic of weight loss came back to haunt me. I have tried various products and weight loss methods in the past to control my weight and visceral fat. I lost weight but gained it back all at once, like a yo-yo. 但是在了解精準益生菌後,我很感興趣,覺得應該再給自己一次機會。 我很感謝樂萊富公司推出的新產品。 我輕而易舉地減掉了3.4公斤,腰圍減少了3公分,內臟脂肪也在短短一個月內從17%下降到16%。 謝謝!
- Weng J. 台灣

5252 North Edgewood Dr, Suite 150 Provo, UT 84604
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(800) 550-7741 - USA & Canada
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+08081891039 – UK
8 am - 5 pm Mon - Fri CST